Portland Community University: Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook


Portland Community University: Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook

Complaints and feedback

You unhappy with your experience at PCC, there are several different ways to share feedback, raise concerns, and file complaints if you are.

Portland Community university (PCC) is devoted to the academic popularity of its pupils and is focused on the development of learning, student retention, while the growth of responsible individual and social conduct.

The scholar Development Committee (a Standing Committee regarding the Educational Advisory Council) is in charge of the number of policy papers housed into the College’s scholar Rights and Responsibilities Handbook about this site.

Policy on Student Rights

Alternate structure

Pupils at PCC have actually the proper to different freedoms and defenses, like the directly to: freedom from harassment and discrimination, freedom of expression, defense against incorrect evaluation or disclosure, development of pupil companies, involvement in producing pupil policies and fund-raising activities, access their pupil documents, and access university facilities.

Directly to defense against incorrect scholastic assessment

Pupil scholastic performance will be assessed on an educational foundation (which could add attendance), in addition to power to use abilities, and never on a pupil’s viewpoints or conduct in things unrelated to scholastic criteria. The program syllabus will include and articulate the assessment standards and grading requirements in which pupil performance is calculated for the specific course.

Each pupil is accountable for fulfilling criteria of scholastic performance founded for every single program when the pupil is enrolled.

Students may dispute their educational evaluation underneath the level Appeal Procedure in the event that pupil thinks that the evaluation standards and grading requirements included in the program syllabus were not followed closely by the teacher or had been imposed in a arbitrary or manner that is capricious. Any pupil whom thinks they’ve been unfairly graded should relate to the PCC level Appeal Procedure.

Pupils have the best to simply take reasoned exception towards the information or views available in any length of research also to reserve judgment about things of viewpoint, while nevertheless being accountable for learning this content of every span of research by which they truly are enrolled.

Right to freedom from harassment and discrimination

PCC doesn’t tolerate discrimination that is unlawful on competition, color, faith, utilization of native language, nationwide beginning, sex, marital status, height/weight ratio, impairment, veteran status, age, or intimate orientation in every area, task, or procedure of PCC. PCC complies with relevant federal, state, and regional civil rights regulations discrimination that is prohibiting. Equal window of opportunity for work, admission, and involvement in PCC’s benefits and services shall be extended to all or any people, and PCC shall market opportunity that is equal therapy through application for this policy as well as other efforts of PCC created for that function.

Any individual who thinks they are discriminated against or harassed with a PCC employee, agent, or pupil is motivated to register a problem through the Office of Affirmative Action and Equity (Downtown Center, area 300, 971-722-5840 or 971-722-5841) or from the Public Incident Report web site.

Any individual who believes they have been discriminated against on such basis as impairment under part 504 for the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), including thinking they’ve maybe not been supplied with an acceptable accommodation or modification to that they are entitled, may talk about these issues by having a impairment solutions therapist, coordinator, or expert, or submit a grievance underneath the Nondiscrimination and Non-harassment Policy.

View further informative data on resolving complaints by pupils with disabilities regarding appropriate rooms or discriminatory therapy.

Appropriate of use of, and protection from, improper disclosure of pupil documents

PCC complies along with applicable state and federal legislation, guidelines, and laws that use to student documents. All information found in PCC’s records this is certainly individually recognizable to virtually any pupil may be held private rather than released except upon prior written permission associated with the topic pupil or under just about any exception for the production of pupil documents without permission. Pupil information can be shared among PCC faculty and staff whenever PCC has determined that the faculty has the best educational desire for the details.

View information that is further PCC’s Privacy Policies.

Issues or complaints can be directed to scholar Records (971-722-7100; records@pcc.edu).

Counseling Documents

PCC counselors are forbidden by the criteria of the career from disclosing any information provided with a pupil during a guidance session, unless the pupil releases the information and knowledge or any other certain circumstances apply. These particular circumstances consist of injury to self or other people, punishment of a small, elder, or other susceptible adult, health/medical crisis, or any other circumstances needed by Oregon legislation. Counselors will conform to all ethical and appropriate guidelines confidentiality that is concerning of sessions.

Liberties participation that is concerning co-curricular tasks

Pupils might be expected to engage in formulating and policies which are reviewing guidelines, also to show their views, both publicly and independently, on these policies and guidelines, in addition to issues of basic interest towards the pupil human anatomy.

Student Groups and Arranging

Pupils have actually the proper to form pupil groups and companies underneath the conditions for the Associated Pupils of Portland Community College (“ASPCC”) constitution and campus bylaws, plus the directly to perform activities that are fund-raising these clubs. All fund-raising tasks for ASPCC and pupil groups should be authorized because of the Campus scholar Leadership Coordinator or designee.

Pupils and respected pupil groups and businesses have actually the ability to have admission to PCC facilities, at the mercy of ordinary schedules, policies and laws regulating the application of each center. Recognized pupil groups and businesses get access to facilities free of charge latin women dating unless extra solutions (custodial, Public protection, chair and table set-up, etc.) are expected. PCC procedures for reserving areas in PCC’s structures for conferences, speakers, or demonstrations should be followed.

Within the academic process, recognized pupil groups and companies may ask into the campus any one who, within their viewpoint, might subscribe to the intellectual or social life of PCC. Individual pupils wanting to ask a speaker to campus should look for the sponsorship of an established club or organization. Speakers may talk easily on the subject of the selecting, so long as they cannot jeopardize to endanger the security of any member(s) of this community that is PCC pose a danger to PCC’s real facilities, or considerably obstruct or disrupt PCC’s regular and crucial operations.

To demand space reservations, contact:

Orderly Demonstrations

Students have actually the best to conduct orderly demonstrations (including picketing, distribution of leaflets, and protests in peaceable installation) unless the individuals of the demonstrations threaten to endanger the security of every member(s) of this PCC community, pose a risk to PCC’s real facilities, or considerably impair or disrupt PCC’s regular and important operations, for which case PCC reserves the proper to shut its facilities, clear its grounds, and cancel a demonstration. PCC recommends that those intending to conduct demonstrations away from PCC structures check with the Dean of scholar developing or designee to determine area that accommodates the reasonable requirements of both PCC and the ones involved in functions of message or protest ( ag e.g., big available areas, with safe paths of ingress and egress, sufficient reason for less probability of disrupting the academic environment).

People and teams who would like to hold a demonstration within one of several university’s structures must conform to campus policies and procedures for requesting room. Advance notice and approval is needed for interior demonstrations to permit the school to help make appropriate and reasonable logistical plans for the demonstration.

To demand space or room reservations within PCC structures, contact:

Circulation of Material

Pupils have actually the ability to distribute free magazines maybe perhaps not in breach of federal or state guidelines, and/or PCC policies and procedures, such as for example publications, publications, magazines, handbills, leaflets, and comparable materials. Circulation of the materials in classrooms, hallways, libraries, workplaces, or other PCC facilities used mainly for academic and instructional purposes must perhaps maybe not interfere utilizing the work or research of individuals in those PCC facilities.

Any persons desiring to publish or circulate magazines must conform to campus policies and procedures. All handbills, leaflets, papers, posters, and materials that are similar keep the title and target associated with the organization and/or person circulating the materials.

Home elevators publishing products for publishing may be located through Associated pupils of PCC.

Issues or complaints regarding liberties Concerning Participation in Co-Curricular tasks can be directed to your Dean of scholar developing when it comes to campus or system. Complaints about the liberties established in this part should really be filed just as virtually feasible to enable PCC to investigate and try to resolve the problem. You’ll contact a campus to register a problem.

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